aio_adb_shell.constants module

Constants used throughout the code.

aio_adb_shell.constants.AUTH_RSAPUBLICKEY = 3

AUTH constant for arg0

aio_adb_shell.constants.AUTH_SIGNATURE = 2

AUTH constant for arg0

aio_adb_shell.constants.AUTH_TOKEN = 1

AUTH constant for arg0

aio_adb_shell.constants.CLASS = 255

From adb.h

aio_adb_shell.constants.DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT_S = 10.0

Default authentication timeout (in s) for adb_shell.tcp_handle.TcpHandle.connect()

aio_adb_shell.constants.DEFAULT_PUSH_MODE = 33272

Default mode for pushed files.

aio_adb_shell.constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S = 10.0

Default total timeout (in s) for adb_shell.adb_device.AdbDevice._read()

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_IDS = (b'DATA', b'DENT', b'DONE', b'FAIL', b'LIST', b'OKAY', b'QUIT', b'RECV', b'SEND', b'STAT')

Commands that are recognized by adb_shell.adb_device.AdbDevice._filesync_read()

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_ID_TO_WIRE = {b'DATA': 1096040772, b'DENT': 1414415684, b'DONE': 1162760004, b'FAIL': 1279869254, b'LIST': 1414744396, b'OKAY': 1497451343, b'QUIT': 1414092113, b'RECV': 1447249234, b'SEND': 1145980243, b'STAT': 1413567571}

A dictionary where the keys are the commands in FILESYNC_IDS and the values are the keys converted to integers

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_LIST_FORMAT = b'<5I'

The format for FileSync “list” messages

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_PULL_FORMAT = b'<2I'

The format for FileSync “pull” messages

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_PUSH_FORMAT = b'<2I'

The format for FileSync “push” messages

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_STAT_FORMAT = b'<4I'

The format for FileSync “stat” messages

aio_adb_shell.constants.FILESYNC_WIRE_TO_ID = {1096040772: b'DATA', 1145980243: b'SEND', 1162760004: b'DONE', 1279869254: b'FAIL', 1413567571: b'STAT', 1414092113: b'QUIT', 1414415684: b'DENT', 1414744396: b'LIST', 1447249234: b'RECV', 1497451343: b'OKAY'}

A dictionary where the keys are integers and the values are their corresponding commands (type = bytes) from FILESYNC_IDS

aio_adb_shell.constants.IDS = (b'AUTH', b'CLSE', b'CNXN', b'OKAY', b'OPEN', b'SYNC', b'WRTE')

Commands that are recognized by adb_shell.adb_device.AdbDevice._read()

aio_adb_shell.constants.ID_TO_WIRE = {b'AUTH': 1213486401, b'CLSE': 1163086915, b'CNXN': 1314410051, b'OKAY': 1497451343, b'OPEN': 1313165391, b'SYNC': 1129208147, b'WRTE': 1163154007}

A dictionary where the keys are the commands in IDS and the values are the keys converted to integers

aio_adb_shell.constants.MAX_ADB_DATA = 4096

Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet.

aio_adb_shell.constants.MAX_PUSH_DATA = 2048

Maximum size of a filesync DATA packet.

aio_adb_shell.constants.MESSAGE_FORMAT = b'<6I'

An ADB message is 6 words in little-endian.

aio_adb_shell.constants.MESSAGE_SIZE = 24

The size of an ADB message

aio_adb_shell.constants.PROTOCOL = 1

From adb.h

aio_adb_shell.constants.SUBCLASS = 66

From adb.h

aio_adb_shell.constants.VERSION = 16777216

ADB protocol version.

aio_adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID = {1129208147: b'SYNC', 1163086915: b'CLSE', 1163154007: b'WRTE', 1213486401: b'AUTH', 1313165391: b'OPEN', 1314410051: b'CNXN', 1497451343: b'OKAY'}

A dictionary where the keys are integers and the values are their corresponding commands (type = bytes) from IDS