Source code for aio_adb_shell.adb_device

# Copyright (c) 2020 Jeff Irion and contributors
# This file is part of the aio-adb-shell package.  It incorporates work
# covered by the following license notice:
#   Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

"""Implement the :class:`AdbDevice` class, which can connect to a device and run ADB shell commands.

.. rubric:: Contents

* :class:`_AdbTransactionInfo`
* :class:`_FileSyncTransactionInfo`

    * :meth:`_FileSyncTransactionInfo.can_add_to_send_buffer`

* :class:`AdbDevice`

    * :meth:`AdbDevice._close`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_flush`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_read`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_read_buffered`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_read_until`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_send`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._handle_progress`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._okay`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._open`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._pull`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._push`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._read`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._read_until`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._read_until_close`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._send`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._service`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._streaming_command`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._streaming_service`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice._write`
    * :attr:`AdbDevice.available`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.close`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.connect`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.list`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.pull`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.push`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.root`
    * :meth:``
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.stat`
    * :meth:`AdbDevice.streaming_shell`

* :class:`AdbDeviceTcp`


from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
import io
import logging
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

from . import constants
from . import exceptions
from .adb_message import AdbMessage, checksum, unpack
from .handle.base_handle import BaseHandle
from .handle.tcp_handle import TcpHandle

    FILE_TYPES = (file, io.IOBase)
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    FILE_TYPES = (io.IOBase,)

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DeviceFile = namedtuple('DeviceFile', ['filename', 'mode', 'size', 'mtime'])

[docs]@contextmanager def _open(name, mode='r'): """Handle opening and closing of files and IO streams. Parameters ---------- name : str, io.IOBase The name of the file *or* an IO stream mode : str The mode for opening the file Yields ------ io.IOBase The opened file *or* the IO stream """ try: opened = open(name, mode) if isinstance(name, str) else None if isinstance(name, str): yield opened else: yield name finally: if isinstance(name, str): opened.close() else: name.close()
[docs]class _AdbTransactionInfo(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class for storing info and settings used during a single ADB "transaction." Parameters ---------- local_id : int The ID for the sender (i.e., the device running this code) remote_id : int The ID for the recipient timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a command in ``expected_cmds`` in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Attributes ---------- local_id : int The ID for the sender (i.e., the device running this code) remote_id : int The ID for the recipient timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a command in ``expected_cmds`` in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` """ def __init__(self, local_id, remote_id, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): self.local_id = local_id self.remote_id = remote_id self.timeout_s = timeout_s self.total_timeout_s = total_timeout_s
[docs]class _FileSyncTransactionInfo(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class for storing info used during a single FileSync "transaction." Parameters ---------- recv_message_format : bytes The FileSync message format Attributes ---------- recv_buffer : bytearray A buffer for storing received data recv_message_format : bytes The FileSync message format recv_message_size : int The FileSync message size send_buffer : bytearray A buffer for storing data to be sent send_idx : int The index in ``recv_buffer`` that will be the start of the next data packet sent """ def __init__(self, recv_message_format): self.send_buffer = bytearray(constants.MAX_ADB_DATA) self.send_idx = 0 self.recv_buffer = bytearray() self.recv_message_format = recv_message_format self.recv_message_size = struct.calcsize(recv_message_format)
[docs] def can_add_to_send_buffer(self, data_len): """Determine whether ``data_len`` bytes of data can be added to the send buffer without exceeding :const:`constants.MAX_ADB_DATA`. Parameters ---------- data_len : int The length of the data to be potentially added to the send buffer (not including the length of its header) Returns ------- bool Whether ``data_len`` bytes of data can be added to the send buffer without exceeding :const:`constants.MAX_ADB_DATA` """ added_len = self.recv_message_size + data_len return self.send_idx + added_len < constants.MAX_ADB_DATA
[docs]class AdbDevice(object): """A class with methods for connecting to a device and executing ADB commands. Parameters ---------- handle : BaseHandle A user-provided handle for communicating with the device; must be an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle` banner : str, bytes, None The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running; if it is not provided, it will be determined via ``socket.gethostname()`` Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidHandleError The passed ``handle`` is not an instance of a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle` Attributes ---------- _available : bool Whether an ADB connection to the device has been established _banner : bytearray, bytes The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running _handle : BaseHandle The handle that is used to connect to the device; must be a subclass of :class:`~adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle` """ def __init__(self, handle, banner=None): if banner: if not isinstance(banner, (bytes, bytearray)): self._banner = bytearray(banner, 'utf-8') else: self._banner = banner else: try: # TODO: make this async / don't do I/O self._banner = bytearray(socket.gethostname(), 'utf-8') except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except self._banner = bytearray('unknown', 'utf-8') if not isinstance(handle, BaseHandle): raise exceptions.InvalidHandleError("`handle` must be an instance of a subclass of `BaseHandle`") self._handle = handle self._available = False @property def available(self): """Whether or not an ADB connection to the device has been established. Returns ------- bool ``self._available`` """ return self._available
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the connection via the provided handle's ``close()`` method. """ self._available = False await self._handle.close()
[docs] async def connect(self, rsa_keys=None, timeout_s=None, auth_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_AUTH_TIMEOUT_S, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S, auth_callback=None): """Establish an ADB connection to the device. 1. Use the handle to establish a connection 2. Send a ``b'CNXN'`` message 3. Unpack the ``cmd``, ``arg0``, ``arg1``, and ``banner`` fields from the response 4. If ``cmd`` is not ``b'AUTH'``, then authentication is not necesary and so we are done 5. If no ``rsa_keys`` are provided, raise an exception 6. Loop through our keys, signing the last ``banner`` that we received 1. If the last ``arg0`` was not :const:`adb_shell.constants.AUTH_TOKEN`, raise an exception 2. Sign the last ``banner`` and send it in an ``b'AUTH'`` message 3. Unpack the ``cmd``, ``arg0``, and ``banner`` fields from the response via :func:`adb_shell.adb_message.unpack` 4. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CNXN'``, return ``banner`` 7. None of the keys worked, so send ``rsa_keys[0]``'s public key; if the response does not time out, we must have connected successfully Parameters ---------- rsa_keys : list, None A list of signers of type :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_cryptography.CryptographySigner`, :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pycryptodome.PycryptodomeAuthSigner`, or :class:`~adb_shell.auth.sign_pythonrsa.PythonRSASigner` timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` auth_timeout_s : float, None The time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CNXN'`` authentication response total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for expected commands in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` auth_callback : function, None Function callback invoked when the connection needs to be accepted on the device Returns ------- bool Whether the connection was established (:attr:`AdbDevice.available`) Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.DeviceAuthError Device authentication required, no keys available adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Invalid auth response from the device """ # 1. Use the handle to establish a connection await self._handle.close() await self._handle.connect(timeout_s) # 2. Send a ``b'CNXN'`` message msg = AdbMessage(constants.CNXN, constants.VERSION, constants.MAX_ADB_DATA, b'host::%s\0' % self._banner) adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) await self._send(msg, adb_info) # 3. Unpack the ``cmd``, ``arg0``, ``arg1``, and ``banner`` fields from the response cmd, arg0, arg1, banner = await self._read([constants.AUTH, constants.CNXN], adb_info) # 4. If ``cmd`` is not ``b'AUTH'``, then authentication is not necesary and so we are done if cmd != constants.AUTH: self._available = True return True # return banner # 5. If no ``rsa_keys`` are provided, raise an exception if not rsa_keys: await self._handle.close() raise exceptions.DeviceAuthError('Device authentication required, no keys available.') # 6. Loop through our keys, signing the last ``banner`` that we received for rsa_key in rsa_keys: # 6.1. If the last ``arg0`` was not :const:`adb_shell.constants.AUTH_TOKEN`, raise an exception if arg0 != constants.AUTH_TOKEN: await self._handle.close() raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Unknown AUTH response: %s %s %s' % (arg0, arg1, banner)) # 6.2. Sign the last ``banner`` and send it in an ``b'AUTH'`` message signed_token = rsa_key.Sign(banner) msg = AdbMessage(constants.AUTH, constants.AUTH_SIGNATURE, 0, signed_token) await self._send(msg, adb_info) # 6.3. Unpack the ``cmd``, ``arg0``, and ``banner`` fields from the response via :func:`adb_shell.adb_message.unpack` cmd, arg0, _, banner = await self._read([constants.CNXN, constants.AUTH], adb_info) # 6.4. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CNXN'``, return ``banner`` if cmd == constants.CNXN: self._available = True return True # return banner # 7. None of the keys worked, so send ``rsa_keys[0]``'s public key; if the response does not time out, we must have connected successfully pubkey = rsa_keys[0].GetPublicKey() if not isinstance(pubkey, (bytes, bytearray)): pubkey = bytearray(pubkey, 'utf-8') if auth_callback is not None: auth_callback(self) msg = AdbMessage(constants.AUTH, constants.AUTH_RSAPUBLICKEY, 0, pubkey + b'\0') await self._send(msg, adb_info) adb_info.timeout_s = auth_timeout_s cmd, arg0, _, banner = await self._read([constants.CNXN], adb_info) self._available = True return True # return banner
# ======================================================================= # # # # Services # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _service(self, service, command, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB command to the device. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service to talk to (e.g., ``b'shell'``) command : bytes The command that will be sent timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Returns ------- bytes, str The output of the ADB command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) if decode: return b''.join([x async for x in self._streaming_command(service, command, adb_info)]).decode('utf8') return b''.join([x async for x in self._streaming_command(service, command, adb_info)])
[docs] async def _streaming_service(self, service, command, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB command to the device, yielding each line of output. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service to talk to (e.g., ``b'shell'``) command : bytes The command that will be sent timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Yields ------- bytes, str The line-by-line output of the ADB command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) stream = self._streaming_command(service, command, adb_info) if decode: async for line in (stream_line.decode('utf8') async for stream_line in stream): yield line else: async for line in stream: yield line
[docs] async def root(self, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): """Gain root access. The device must be rooted in order for this to work. Parameters ---------- timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") await self._service(b'root', b'', timeout_s, total_timeout_s, False)
[docs] async def shell(self, command, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB shell command to the device. Parameters ---------- command : str The shell command that will be sent timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Returns ------- bytes, str The output of the ADB shell command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") return await self._service(b'shell', command.encode('utf8'), timeout_s, total_timeout_s, decode)
[docs] async def streaming_shell(self, command, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S, decode=True): """Send an ADB shell command to the device, yielding each line of output. Parameters ---------- command : str The shell command that will be sent timeout_s : float, None Timeout in seconds for sending and receiving packets, or ``None``; see :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_read() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_read>` and :meth:`BaseHandle.bulk_write() <adb_shell.handle.base_handle.BaseHandle.bulk_write>` total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` decode : bool Whether to decode the output to utf8 before returning Yields ------- bytes, str The line-by-line output of the ADB shell command as a string if ``decode`` is True, otherwise as bytes. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") async for line in self._streaming_service(b'shell', command.encode('utf8'), timeout_s, total_timeout_s, decode): yield line
# ======================================================================= # # # # FileSync # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def list(self, device_path, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): """Return a directory listing of the given path. Parameters ---------- device_path : str Directory to list. timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Returns ------- files : list[DeviceFile] Filename, mode, size, and mtime info for the files in the directory """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_LIST_FORMAT) await self._open(b'sync:', adb_info) await self._filesync_send(constants.LIST, adb_info, filesync_info, data=device_path) files = [] async for cmd_id, header, filename in self._filesync_read_until([constants.DENT], [constants.DONE], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.DONE: break mode, size, mtime = header files.append(DeviceFile(filename, mode, size, mtime)) await self._close(adb_info) return files
[docs] async def pull(self, device_filename, dest_file=None, progress_callback=None, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): """Pull a file from the device. Parameters ---------- device_filename : str Filename on the device to pull. dest_file : str, file, io.IOBase, None If set, a filename or writable file-like object. progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts filename, bytes_written and total_bytes, total_bytes will be -1 for file-like objects timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Returns ------- bytes, bool The file data if ``dest_file`` is not set. Otherwise, ``True`` if the destination file exists Raises ------ ValueError If ``dest_file`` is of unknown type. """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") if not dest_file: dest_file = io.BytesIO() if not isinstance(dest_file, FILE_TYPES + (str,)): raise ValueError("dest_file is of unknown type") adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_PULL_FORMAT) with _open(dest_file, 'wb') as dest: await self._open(b'sync:', adb_info) await self._pull(device_filename, dest, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info) await self._close(adb_info) if isinstance(dest, io.BytesIO): return dest.getvalue() if hasattr(dest, 'name'): return os.path.exists( # We don't know what the path is, so we just assume it exists. return True
[docs] async def _pull(self, filename, dest, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info): """Pull a file from the device into the file-like ``dest_file``. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file to be pulled dest : _io.BytesIO File-like object for writing to progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``filename``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction """ if progress_callback: total_bytes = await self.stat(filename)[1] progress = self._handle_progress(lambda current: progress_callback(filename, current, total_bytes)) next(progress) await self._filesync_send(constants.RECV, adb_info, filesync_info, data=filename) async for cmd_id, _, data in self._filesync_read_until([constants.DATA], [constants.DONE], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.DONE: break dest.write(data) if progress_callback: progress.send(len(data))
[docs] async def push(self, source_file, device_filename, st_mode=constants.DEFAULT_PUSH_MODE, mtime=0, progress_callback=None, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): """Push a file or directory to the device. Parameters ---------- source_file : str Either a filename, a directory or file-like object to push to the device. device_filename : str Destination on the device to write to. st_mode : int Stat mode for filename mtime : int Modification time to set on the file. progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts filename, bytes_written and total_bytes, total_bytes will be -1 for file-like objects timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the push. total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") if isinstance(source_file, str): if os.path.isdir(source_file): await"mkdir " + device_filename, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) for f in os.listdir(source_file): await self.push(os.path.join(source_file, f), device_filename + '/' + f, progress_callback=progress_callback) return adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_PUSH_FORMAT) with _open(source_file, 'rb') as source: await self._open(b'sync:', adb_info) await self._push(source, device_filename, st_mode, mtime, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info) await self._close(adb_info)
[docs] async def _push(self, datafile, filename, st_mode, mtime, progress_callback, adb_info, filesync_info): """Push a file-like object to the device. Parameters ---------- datafile : _io.BytesIO File-like object for reading from filename : str Filename to push to st_mode : int Stat mode for filename mtime : int Modification time progress_callback : function, None Callback method that accepts ``filename``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Raises ------ PushFailedError Raised on push failure. """ fileinfo = ('{},{}'.format(filename, int(st_mode))).encode('utf-8') await self._filesync_send(constants.SEND, adb_info, filesync_info, data=fileinfo) if progress_callback: total_bytes = os.fstat(datafile.fileno()).st_size if isinstance(datafile, FILE_TYPES) else -1 progress = self._handle_progress(lambda current: progress_callback(filename, current, total_bytes)) next(progress) while True: data = if data: await self._filesync_send(constants.DATA, adb_info, filesync_info, data=data) if progress_callback: progress.send(len(data)) else: break if mtime == 0: mtime = int(time.time()) # DONE doesn't send data, but it hides the last bit of data in the size field. await self._filesync_send(constants.DONE, adb_info, filesync_info, size=mtime) async for cmd_id, _, data in self._filesync_read_until([], [constants.OKAY, constants.FAIL], adb_info, filesync_info): if cmd_id == constants.OKAY: return raise exceptions.PushFailedError(data)
[docs] async def stat(self, device_filename, timeout_s=None, total_timeout_s=constants.DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT_S): """Get a file's ``stat()`` information. Parameters ---------- device_filename : str The file on the device for which we will get information. timeout_s : float, None Expected timeout for any part of the pull. total_timeout_s : float The total time in seconds to wait for a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'OKAY'`` command in :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Returns ------- mode : int The octal permissions for the file size : int The size of the file mtime : int The last modified time for the file """ if not self.available: raise exceptions.AdbConnectionError("ADB command not sent because a connection to the device has not been established. (Did you call `AdbDevice.connect()`?)") adb_info = _AdbTransactionInfo(None, None, timeout_s, total_timeout_s) await self._open(b'sync:', adb_info) filesync_info = _FileSyncTransactionInfo(constants.FILESYNC_STAT_FORMAT) await self._filesync_send(constants.STAT, adb_info, filesync_info, data=device_filename) _, (mode, size, mtime), _ = await self._filesync_read([constants.STAT], adb_info, filesync_info, read_data=False) await self._close(adb_info) return mode, size, mtime
# ======================================================================= # # # # Hidden Methods # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _close(self, adb_info): """Send a ``b'CLSE'`` message. .. warning:: This is not to be confused with the :meth:`AdbDevice.close` method! Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ msg = AdbMessage(constants.CLSE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._send(msg, adb_info) await self._read_until([constants.CLSE], adb_info)
[docs] async def _okay(self, adb_info): """Send an ``b'OKAY'`` mesage. Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ msg = AdbMessage(constants.OKAY, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._send(msg, adb_info)
[docs] async def _open(self, destination, adb_info): """Opens a new connection to the device via an ``b'OPEN'`` message. 1. :meth:`~AdbDevice._send` an ``b'OPEN'`` command to the device that specifies the ``local_id`` 2. :meth:`~AdbDevice._read` a response from the device that includes a command, another local ID (``their_local_id``), and ``remote_id`` * If ``local_id`` and ``their_local_id`` do not match, raise an exception. * If the received command is ``b'CLSE'``, :meth:`~AdbDevice._read` another response from the device * If the received command is not ``b'OKAY'``, raise an exception * Set the ``adb_info.local_id`` and ``adb_info.remote_id`` attributes Parameters ---------- destination : bytes ``b'SERVICE:COMMAND'`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Wrong local_id sent to us. """ adb_info.local_id = 1 msg = AdbMessage(constants.OPEN, adb_info.local_id, 0, destination + b'\0') await self._send(msg, adb_info) _, adb_info.remote_id, their_local_id, _ = await self._read([constants.OKAY], adb_info) if adb_info.local_id != their_local_id: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Expected the local_id to be {}, got {}'.format(adb_info.local_id, their_local_id))
[docs] async def _read(self, expected_cmds, adb_info): """Receive a response from the device. 1. Read a message from the device and unpack the ``cmd``, ``arg0``, ``arg1``, ``data_length``, and ``data_checksum`` fields 2. If ``cmd`` is not a recognized command in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID`, raise an exception 3. If the time has exceeded ``total_timeout_s``, raise an exception 4. Read ``data_length`` bytes from the device 5. If the checksum of the read data does not match ``data_checksum``, raise an exception 6. Return ``command``, ``arg0``, ``arg1``, and ``bytes(data)`` Parameters ---------- expected_cmds : list[bytes] We will read packets until we encounter one whose "command" field is in ``expected_cmds`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- command : bytes The received command, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` arg0 : int TODO arg1 : int TODO bytes The data that was read Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidCommandError Unknown command *or* never got one of the expected responses. adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidChecksumError Received checksum does not match the expected checksum. """ start = time.time() while True: msg = await self._handle.bulk_read(constants.MESSAGE_SIZE, adb_info.timeout_s) _LOGGER.debug("bulk_read(%d): %s", constants.MESSAGE_SIZE, repr(msg)) cmd, arg0, arg1, data_length, data_checksum = unpack(msg) command = constants.WIRE_TO_ID.get(cmd) if not command: raise exceptions.InvalidCommandError('Unknown command: %x' % cmd, cmd, (arg0, arg1)) if command in expected_cmds: break if time.time() - start > adb_info.total_timeout_s: raise exceptions.InvalidCommandError('Never got one of the expected responses (%s)' % expected_cmds, cmd, (adb_info.timeout_s, adb_info.total_timeout_s)) if data_length > 0: data = bytearray() while data_length > 0: temp = await self._handle.bulk_read(data_length, adb_info.timeout_s) _LOGGER.debug("bulk_read(%d): %s", data_length, repr(temp)) data += temp data_length -= len(temp) actual_checksum = checksum(data) if actual_checksum != data_checksum: raise exceptions.InvalidChecksumError('Received checksum {0} != {1}'.format(actual_checksum, data_checksum)) else: data = bytearray() return command, arg0, arg1, bytes(data)
[docs] async def _read_until(self, expected_cmds, adb_info): """Read a packet, acknowledging any write packets. 1. Read data via :meth:`AdbDevice._read` 2. If a ``b'WRTE'`` packet is received, send an ``b'OKAY'`` packet via :meth:`AdbDevice._okay` 3. Return the ``cmd`` and ``data`` that were read by :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Parameters ---------- expected_cmds : list[bytes] :meth:`AdbDevice._read` with look for a packet whose command is in ``expected_cmds`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Returns ------- cmd : bytes The command that was received by :meth:`AdbDevice._read`, which is in :const:`adb_shell.constants.WIRE_TO_ID` and must be in ``expected_cmds`` data : bytes The data that was received by :meth:`AdbDevice._read` Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.InterleavedDataError We don't support multiple streams... adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Incorrect remote id. adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidCommandError Never got one of the expected responses. """ start = time.time() while True: cmd, remote_id2, local_id2, data = await self._read(expected_cmds, adb_info) if local_id2 not in (0, adb_info.local_id): raise exceptions.InterleavedDataError("We don't support multiple streams...") if remote_id2 in (0, adb_info.remote_id): break if time.time() - start > adb_info.total_timeout_s: raise exceptions.InvalidCommandError('Never got one of the expected responses (%s)' % expected_cmds, cmd, (adb_info.timeout_s, adb_info.total_timeout_s)) # Ignore CLSE responses to previous commands # if cmd != constants.CLSE: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Incorrect remote id, expected {0} got {1}'.format(adb_info.remote_id, remote_id2)) # Acknowledge write packets if cmd == constants.WRTE: await self._okay(adb_info) return cmd, data
[docs] async def _read_until_close(self, adb_info): """Yield packets until a ``b'CLSE'`` packet is received. 1. Read the ``cmd`` and ``data`` fields from a ``b'CLSE'`` or ``b'WRTE'`` packet via :meth:`AdbDevice._read_until` 2. If ``cmd`` is ``b'CLSE'``, then send a ``b'CLSE'`` message and stop 3. If ``cmd`` is not ``b'WRTE'``, raise an exception * If ``cmd`` is ``b'FAIL'``, raise :class:`~adb_shell.exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException` * Otherwise, raise :class:`~~adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidCommandError` 4. Yield ``data`` and repeat Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Yields ------ data : bytes The data that was read by :meth:`AdbDevice._read_until` """ while True: cmd, data = await self._read_until([constants.CLSE, constants.WRTE], adb_info) if cmd == constants.CLSE: msg = AdbMessage(constants.CLSE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id) await self._send(msg, adb_info) break yield data
[docs] async def _send(self, msg, adb_info): """Send a message to the device. 1. Send the message header (:meth:`adb_shell.adb_message.AdbMessage.pack <AdbMessage.pack>`) 2. Send the message data Parameters ---------- msg : AdbMessage The data that will be sent adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ _LOGGER.debug("bulk_write: %s", repr(msg.pack())) await self._handle.bulk_write(msg.pack(), adb_info.timeout_s) _LOGGER.debug("bulk_write: %s", repr( await self._handle.bulk_write(, adb_info.timeout_s)
[docs] async def _streaming_command(self, service, command, adb_info): """One complete set of USB packets for a single command. 1. :meth:`~AdbDevice._open` a new connection to the device, where the ``destination`` parameter is ``service:command`` 2. Read the response data via :meth:`AdbDevice._read_until_close` .. note:: All the data is held in memory, and thus large responses will be slow and can fill up memory. Parameters ---------- service : bytes The ADB service (e.g., ``b'shell'``, as used by :meth:``) command : bytes The service command adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction Yields ------ bytes The responses from the service. """ await self._open(b'%s:%s' % (service, command), adb_info) async for data in self._read_until_close(adb_info): yield data
[docs] async def _write(self, data, adb_info): """Write a packet and expect an Ack. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The data that will be sent adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction """ msg = AdbMessage(constants.WRTE, adb_info.local_id, adb_info.remote_id, data) await self._send(msg, adb_info) # Expect an ack in response. await self._read_until([constants.OKAY], adb_info)
# ======================================================================= # # # # FileSync Hidden Methods # # # # ======================================================================= #
[docs] async def _filesync_flush(self, adb_info, filesync_info): """Write the data in the buffer up to ``filesync_info.send_idx``, then set ``filesync_info.send_idx`` to 0. Parameters ---------- adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction """ await self._write(filesync_info.send_buffer[:filesync_info.send_idx], adb_info) filesync_info.send_idx = 0
[docs] async def _filesync_read(self, expected_ids, adb_info, filesync_info, read_data=True): """Read ADB messages and return FileSync packets. Parameters ---------- expected_ids : tuple[bytes] If the received header ID is not in ``expected_ids``, an exception will be raised adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction read_data : bool Whether to read the received data Returns ------- command_id : bytes The received header ID tuple The contents of the header data : bytearray, None The received data, or ``None`` if ``read_data`` is False Raises ------ adb_shell.exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException Command failed adb_shell.exceptions.InvalidResponseError Received response was not in ``expected_ids`` """ if filesync_info.send_idx: await self._filesync_flush(adb_info, filesync_info) # Read one filesync packet off the recv buffer. header_data = await self._filesync_read_buffered(filesync_info.recv_message_size, adb_info, filesync_info) header = struct.unpack(filesync_info.recv_message_format, header_data) # Header is (ID, ...). command_id = constants.FILESYNC_WIRE_TO_ID[header[0]] if command_id not in expected_ids: if command_id == constants.FAIL: reason = '' if filesync_info.recv_buffer: reason = filesync_info.recv_buffer.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') raise exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException('Command failed: {}'.format(reason)) raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError('Expected one of %s, got %s' % (expected_ids, command_id)) if not read_data: return command_id, header[1:], None # Header is (ID, ..., size). size = header[-1] data = await self._filesync_read_buffered(size, adb_info, filesync_info) return command_id, header[1:-1], data
[docs] async def _filesync_read_buffered(self, size, adb_info, filesync_info): """Read ``size`` bytes of data from ``self.recv_buffer``. Parameters ---------- size : int The amount of data to read adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction Returns ------- result : bytearray The read data """ # Ensure recv buffer has enough data. while len(filesync_info.recv_buffer) < size: _, data = await self._read_until([constants.WRTE], adb_info) filesync_info.recv_buffer += data result = filesync_info.recv_buffer[:size] filesync_info.recv_buffer = filesync_info.recv_buffer[size:] return result
[docs] async def _filesync_read_until(self, expected_ids, finish_ids, adb_info, filesync_info): """Useful wrapper around :meth:`AdbDevice._filesync_read`. Parameters ---------- expected_ids : tuple[bytes] If the received header ID is not in ``expected_ids``, an exception will be raised finish_ids : tuple[bytes] We will read until we find a header ID that is in ``finish_ids`` adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction Yields ------ cmd_id : bytes The received header ID header : tuple TODO data : bytearray The received data """ while True: cmd_id, header, data = await self._filesync_read(expected_ids + finish_ids, adb_info, filesync_info) yield cmd_id, header, data # These lines are not reachable because whenever this method is called and `cmd_id` is in `finish_ids`, the code # either breaks (`list` and `_pull`), returns (`_push`), or raises an exception (`_push`) if cmd_id in finish_ids: # pragma: no cover break
[docs] async def _filesync_send(self, command_id, adb_info, filesync_info, data=b'', size=0): """Send/buffer FileSync packets. Packets are buffered and only flushed when this connection is read from. All messages have a response from the device, so this will always get flushed. Parameters ---------- command_id : bytes Command to send. adb_info : _AdbTransactionInfo Info and settings for this ADB transaction filesync_info : _FileSyncTransactionInfo Data and storage for this FileSync transaction data : str, bytes Optional data to send, must set data or size. size : int Optionally override size from len(data). """ if data: if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode('utf8') size = len(data) if not filesync_info.can_add_to_send_buffer(len(data)): await self._filesync_flush(adb_info, filesync_info) buf = struct.pack(b'<2I', constants.FILESYNC_ID_TO_WIRE[command_id], size) + data filesync_info.send_buffer[filesync_info.send_idx:filesync_info.send_idx + len(buf)] = buf filesync_info.send_idx += len(buf)
[docs] @staticmethod def _handle_progress(progress_callback): """Calls the callback with the current progress and total bytes written/received. Parameters ---------- progress_callback : function Callback method that accepts ``filename``, ``bytes_written``, and ``total_bytes``; total_bytes will be -1 for file-like objects. """ current = 0 while True: current += yield try: progress_callback(current) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except continue
[docs]class AdbDeviceTcp(AdbDevice): """A class with methods for connecting to a device via TCP and executing ADB commands. Parameters ---------- host : str The address of the device; may be an IP address or a host name port : int The device port to which we are connecting (default is 5555) default_timeout_s : float, None Default timeout in seconds for TCP packets, or ``None`` banner : str, bytes, None The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running; if it is not provided, it will be determined via ``socket.gethostname()`` Attributes ---------- _available : bool Whether an ADB connection to the device has been established _banner : bytearray, bytes The hostname of the machine where the Python interpreter is currently running _handle : TcpHandle The handle that is used to connect to the device """ def __init__(self, host, port=5555, default_timeout_s=None, banner=None): handle = TcpHandle(host, port, default_timeout_s) super(AdbDeviceTcp, self).__init__(handle, banner)